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Weather in Aschaffenburg (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2064 Click here to vote for this order / 2928 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 28.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Unsere besten Freunde haben dieses Jahr alle bei Sonnenschein geheiratet. Das wollen wir auch...

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Ich lege noch ein paar Grad drauf. So 25 Grad drfen es gerne werden.

Written by Christa, on 14.09.2010

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Weather in Bad Bentheim (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1818 Click here to vote for this order / 2432 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 14.09.2010
Order Remarks: Ich brauche sonne

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Weather in Bad Bergzabern (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2875 Click here to vote for this order / 2763 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Autumnal sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 12.09.2010

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Weather in Baiersbronn (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 3119 Click here to vote for this order / 3426 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Cloudy sky
Precipitation: Heavy shower
Wind: Heavy Wind
Temperature: 15
Order from: 17.09.2010

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Weather in Berlin (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2375 Click here to vote for this order / 3110 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 24
Order from: 24.08.2010

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wahrscheinlich heiratet der Besteller an diesem Tag, so wie ich, oder?

Written by B, on 24.08.2010

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Weather in Biersdorf Am See (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2295 Click here to vote for this order / 3189 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 24
Order from: 04.06.2010

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Weather in Bingen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2317 Click here to vote for this order / 2513 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 15.09.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir hätten gern schönes Wetter da wir an diesem Tag heiraten Lg katha

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Weather in Borken (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2486 Click here to vote for this order / 2794 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 18
Order from: 14.09.2010
Occasion for order: Concert
Order Remarks: An diesem Tag fahre ich mit meinem kleinen Sohn zu einem Freilichtevent, das ich ihm schon vor einem Jahr versprochen habe. Damit das Ganze nicht ins Wasser fällt, brauche ich trockenes Wetter!

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Weather in Cloppenburg (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2171 Click here to vote for this order / 2845 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 10.09.2010

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Weather in Darmstadt (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1989 Click here to vote for this order / 3402 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 17.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Heiraten, bei schlechtem Wetter macht keinen Spaß!!!

Comments for this order

Genau so htte meine Bestellung fr diesen Tag auch ausgesehen, da feier ich Geburtstag. Drcken wir die Daumen dass wir gutes Wetter bekommen

Written by Fif, on 13.09.2010

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Weather in Deggingen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2326 Click here to vote for this order / 2566 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 21.05.2010

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Weather in Dietzenbach (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2444 Click here to vote for this order / 2177 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 22
Order from: 14.09.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Bitte keinen Niederschlag, außer Konfetti... Angenehme Abend und Nachttemperaturen Das hat sich unser Töchterlein für ihre BIGPARTY zum 18. Geburtstag verdient!

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Drcke die Daumen !!!

Written by Frau Sonnenschein , on 15.09.2010

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Weather in Düsseldorf (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2224 Click here to vote for this order / 3211 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 26.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Schönes Hochzeitswetter

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Weather in Essen Oldenburg (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1746 Click here to vote for this order / 2751 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 17.09.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir heiraten an diesem schönen Samstag und hoffen das unser kleiner Engel und ein paar Sonnenstrahlen schickt

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Weather in Florstadt (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2221 Click here to vote for this order / 2747 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 30
Order from: 17.08.2010

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Weather in Goslar (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2233 Click here to vote for this order / 2919 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 23
Order from: 13.09.2010
Order Remarks: ....die aktuelle Wettersituation für den Triumph Harzride 2010!!! Proudly presents from Devilt.

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Weather in Gruibingen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 3185 Click here to vote for this order / 2095 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 21.05.2010

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Weather in Halle (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2282 Click here to vote for this order / 2786 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 10.06.2010

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Weather in Hanau (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2775 Click here to vote for this order / 1976 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Blazing sun
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 11.09.2010

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Weather in Hannover (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1401 Click here to vote for this order / 2468 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 03.09.2010
Order Remarks: Der September ist der Mai des Herbstes. Danach kann es von mir aus anfangen zu schneien.

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Weather in Herrenberg (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2320 Click here to vote for this order / 2849 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Autumnal sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 07.09.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir heiraten am 18.09.2010 ...! Und es wäre natürlich super, wenn das Wetter auch entsprechend schön werden würde..... Hauptsache KEIN Regen!!!!

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Weather in Hettenrodt (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2651 Click here to vote for this order / 2626 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 30.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Für unsere Hochzeit möchten wir gern wunderschönes Wetter!!

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Weather in Hofheim (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2371 Click here to vote for this order / 2354 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 13.09.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Ich würde mich sehr über das gewünschte Wetter freuen, da dies der Tag meiner Hochzeit ist!

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Weather in Hohenwart (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2290 Click here to vote for this order / 2163 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 21.06.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Bitte lass an diesem unseren Hochzeitstag, schönes Wetter herrschen, damit wir den Vormittag, den Sektempfang, ein schönes Gruppenfoto und das Brautverziehen am Nachmittag im Freien machen können! Vielen Dank!

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Weather in Kempen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 3103 Click here to vote for this order / 2526 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 23
Order from: 25.08.2010

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Weather in Kuehbach (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2417 Click here to vote for this order / 2844 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Autumnal sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 24
Order from: 30.08.2010

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Weather in Leipzig (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2234 Click here to vote for this order / 2813 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 23.08.2010
Occasion for order: Birthday
Order Remarks: Das perfekte Wetter zu einer perfekten Geburtstagsfeier!!!

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Weather in Leiwen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2963 Click here to vote for this order / 2128 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 11.09.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Das Wetter ist mein Hochzeitswunsch!

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Weather in Lippstadt (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2365 Click here to vote for this order / 2850 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Autumnal sunshine
Precipitation: A bit of rain
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 18
Order from: 13.09.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Wir heiraten und da muß es schön sein, biiiiiiiiiiiitte

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Weather in Mattsee (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2373 Click here to vote for this order / 2571 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 27
Order from: 27.08.2010
Order Remarks: Wir machen an diesem Tag unsere Salzseentour mit vielen BMW Z3. Bitte laß es gutes Wetter sein an diesem Tag rund um den Mattsee und den Mondsee herum.

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Hoffentlich ist der Wettergott wieder mit uns und bringt viel Sonne um die Salzburger Seen.

Written by Barbara, on 27.08.2010

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Weather in Moers (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2483 Click here to vote for this order / 2653 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 30.08.2010

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Weather in München (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2307 Click here to vote for this order / 2430 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 09.09.2010
Order Remarks: ...wünscht sich die PeerGroup aus F, HD, S und M.

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Weather in Netphen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2171 Click here to vote for this order / 2169 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 24
Order from: 17.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: ich wünsche mir für uns ein traumhaftes Hochzeitswetter!

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Weather in Nordhorn (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2443 Click here to vote for this order / 2212 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 08.08.2010

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Weather in Oberschleichach (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2903 Click here to vote for this order / 1834 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 23
Order from: 20.07.2010

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Weather in Ratekau (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1638 Click here to vote for this order / 2332 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 22
Order from: 27.08.2010
Occasion for order: Concert
Order Remarks: Wir brauchen trockenes schönes Wetter, damit unser 1. Trailday ein Erfolg wird.

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Weather in Ratingen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2014 Click here to vote for this order / 1911 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 26.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Schönes Hochzeitswetter

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Weather in Reichenbach An Der Fils (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2910 Click here to vote for this order / 2461 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Cloudy sky
Precipitation: Snow storm
Wind: Heavy Wind
Temperature: -15
Order from: 17.09.2010

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Weather in Rust (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2709 Click here to vote for this order / 2656 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Blazing sun
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 23.08.2010

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Weather in Salzbergen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1360 Click here to vote for this order / 1922 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 14.09.2010
Order Remarks: Schönes Wetter für eine Familienfeier in Schüttorf

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Weather in Schwalmstadt (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 2142 Click here to vote for this order / 2145 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 27
Order from: 28.08.2010

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Weather in Schweigen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1381 Click here to vote for this order / 1998 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 24.08.2010

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Weather in Stetten Am Heuchelberg (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1478 Click here to vote for this order / 2108 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 27
Order from: 17.08.2010

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Weather in Stuttgart (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1868 Click here to vote for this order / 2278 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 26
Order from: 18.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Hoffentlich wunderschönes Hochzeitswetter an unserem SCHÖNSTEN Tag!!!!!!!

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Weather in Villingen (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1936 Click here to vote for this order / 1731 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 25
Order from: 27.08.2010
Order Remarks: unser schönster tag,wir hoffen dass es nicht regnet.

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Weather in Wetterau (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1866 Click here to vote for this order / 1853 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 22.08.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Dieses Wetter würde unsere Hochzeit einfach perfekt machen!

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Weather in Windhof (Germany) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1705 Click here to vote for this order / 1741 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 17.09.2010
Occasion for order: Wedding
Order Remarks: Viel Sonne für Martina und Falko am Hochzeitsstag

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Weather in Feldkirchen (Austria) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1472 Click here to vote for this order / 1673 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 20
Order from: 07.09.2010

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Weather in Graz (Austria) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1782 Click here to vote for this order / 2077 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Autumnal sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: Moderate breeze
Temperature: 24
Order from: 01.09.2010

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Weather in Schötz (Switzerland) at Sat, 18.09.2010

Ratings for this order: 1856 Click here to vote for this order / 1550 Click here to vote against this order

Sun: Pleasant sunshine
Precipitation: No precipitation
Wind: No wind at all
Temperature: 25
Order from: 13.09.2010
Order Remarks: Grosses Fussballfest. Unser FC Schoetz empfängt den Ex Meister aus Zürich!!!

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